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”I did it,you got it inside me yea “she said weakly and let out a sigh. And then I heard it , that song that seemed to sound happy as Beth announces that she is coming.I think by doing that it gives anyone that may be there time to get dressed or stop whatever they may be doing .But this time she was going to see her daughter wore out and used, I was not sure how she was going to feel about that. I was soon to find out when Beth came up surprisingly she was dressed and carrying drinks for each of us. She had a smile as she sat down beside Joan and looked at her then winked at me. She handed me my drink then opened one for Joan “here honey take a drink “she said to Joan “you look like you may need it”.. Joan opened her eyes and gave a weak smile “I did it I took his big cock in me and it was awesome”.As she took a sip of her drink Beth looked at me “I know honey ,the boys were tired when they came home”. It didn’t appear to Joan that it was her mom she was talking to. “It also. She see no signs of Ivy nor any of Batman and Robin. She lowers herself into the building and takes a look around. Spotting a fresh red rose planted in some exposed dirt near a door, Batgirl cautiously heads that way.She slowly opens the door, making sure not to trigger any traps that may have been set. The room she enters is large and full of roses, with steps that up. At the top of the steps is a throne made of vines. On the throne sits Poison Ivy, wearing nothing but a crown of pink flowers. "I hope you like what I've done with the place, It is for you after all." Ivy says mischievously"I'm not in the mood for games, Ivy. Where's Batman?!" Batgirl yells."Oh I'm sure you'll see him soon...." Ivy smirks as Batgirl feels a small sharp sting in the back of her neck. "Wha--" Batgirl falls unconscious.Batgirl groggily wakes up, "Ugh, I feel like I got hit by a train..." She looks around and notices she's locked in one of the cells at the old Arkham Asylum building. Suddenly, there's a.
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